The title of this appears to be an oxymoron... fun? and serious? Something I heard that really resonated with me at a conference I attended took the form of a very simple set of 3 criteria that need to be in place to facilitate a happy, balanced life and emotional stability.
1. Self Preservation {i.e we're fed, watered, groomed, take reasonable care of ourselves, feel loved etc. All the components required for survival are roughly in place}.
2. Self Development {i.e. we have objectives, targets, goals or whatever you call 'em... a sense of "I'm at THIS point now, but I'm aiming to be THERE" etc.
3. And Fun!!
Take this to the extreme:
One person may spend their life obsessing about perfect health. Is their life progressing? Are they having fun?
Another may be working themselves to death, to become richer, better job, more prestige. Are they taking care of themselves? Are they having fun?
Another just let's it all hang out! Parties, over-indulgence, general hedonism. Are they taking care of themselves? Is their life progressing?
If at any time I'm not totally happy with the overall dynamic of my life I can often pinpoint the imbalance just by examining the balance between these three criteria. From my experience these same 3 criteria even apply in one-off situations like my workshops. And funnily enough, fun can often be the one neglected!
Thus the title. I love simplicity!
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